
Posts Tagged ‘Christ’

I had a Dream last night, as I usually do not share these things, I think this one has a parable to us all.

This was the Dream: I was walking around my house, it was late at night and there was no lights on. I was searching for my flashlight but could not see well enough to find it. So I was groping around in the darkness, the only things I could see were what ever I was touching at any given moment, and it appeared dimmly. The floor directly at my feet and the items my hands would touch as they searched for the Light. Nothing else was even remotly visible but the deep dark.

The Parable: As we go around looking for God or what is True we are like in a house that is unlite, and the deep dark of uncertanty hangs all around us. With faith we walk around not bumping into the things we know are there but cannot see and relying on that faith we can see the evidances of what is there, but we are still not seeing things well. When we find Christ and rely on his Light (the Flashlight) He can show us things as they are and remove our blindness, but even then we must remain focused on the light, for we cannot see it all at once as it were Day. We must have hope for when Day comes we will see all as it truly is.

I hope you can locate your flashlight better than I and God Bless you all,

-Ditchu 2008

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