
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’

This Fourth of July many americans will Celebrate the Freedoms this great Country (United States of America) has won. But we must remember there is a price for Freedom. The Freedoms we enjoy in the US have been baught by the suffering and much blood of our armed fources. Even before this Country stood united against our oppressors, the caos of life and blood had started to be paid, but as things go it seems we must every once in a while pay again and again with fresh blood to maintain our freedom from those tryants of fear, currently we consider Terrorists.

Here is an uplifting video about the freedoms we do have (however, not about what they cost):


What Freedoms are you Thankful for?

As there has been much purchased by the spilling of our dear blood, we still have not as a country purchased the true measure of Freedom. There is still fear and injustice without mercy dwelling amoung us. But there is Hope…

The true measure of Freedom has been purchased. It is not resurved for citizens of any one country, or of any certian race, social class, or creedo. The true measure of freedom has been purchased for any and all who choose to accept it.

Here is a short video to help explain how the true measure of Freedom was purchased for us:


This 4th I will Celebrate Freedom, and always be joyus for the Cause of Freedom.

God Bless,

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As it was, Decoration Day was a day to clean up and decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. A day we give them honor and respect for the duty they preformed. Now as Memorial Day we not only recognize the fallen in combat but all who have served in out nations need as defenders of our constitution. When we see the white stone markers in our national cemetery, visit the grave site of the soldiers we knew, or fly the flag in honor of them we have the solemn reminder that freedom is not free. Often the price of freedom is not paid in gold but blood and the cost far exceeds the wealth of nations.

I take this year and remember our dead and as a Christian I know they will not remain in that state. Jesus Christ paved the way to eternal life, and has given the promise of the resurrection for everyone. Freedom is never Free, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for each and every one of us. It was a price that we for ourselves could never completely pay. With his perfect life, he submitted to the cruelty of the very people he offered forgiveness for, and with his suffering, Death and resurrection, we can now accept the Gift of Freedom. We can be free of our sins.

God Bless you all.

My gratitude also goes out to all of you who have served our country, by being a guardian of our constitution (and our freedom) or by allowing your family member to take this precious position. God bless you and I pray for the day of peace that you all are still safe. God has truly blessed America, let’s hold on to our freedoms… For there is always a dire price to pay to get them in the first place, and there seems to be a timely remittance of that cost to protect and keep them.

Thank you, and God bless and keep you safe,


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